On December 2nd,2009 (a week ago today) the world was taken by storm as Twitter users began to see ...and eventually retweet conversations ...and twit pics of court documents stating that Marcus Ramone Cooper [ stage name Pleasure P , of Pretty Ricky ] had molested a four year old girl [ whom some claim was his neice] and a multitude of other young girls.
Spetacular Smith [ stage name Spetacular of Pretty Rick] was questioned...and two screen shot images of the questioning surfaced soon after...
To make matters worse...and make the bigger picture even more shocking and grotesque were the act that court documents surfaced as well...giving the claims great credibility.
Ok now maybe I over analyze things... But earlier someone said the child's name was Mariah Smith.... Looking over the court documents it states word for word " The child, MAURICE HARRIS shall remain/be placed in the shelter custody of...."
[ Last time I checked Maurice was a little boy's name.....so PAUSE!!! He molested a boy? NOOO.... read more]
If you continue to read throughout the documents it almost seems as if the parents : Joesph Smith and Mariah Johnson are the ones being charged with child molestation or sexual misconduct....BUT when you read even further it states that the boy named as the victim not have any contact with Marcus Cooper[ Pleasure P ] so is this a mistake in people's comprehension of the ever complicated legal system and it's redundant paperwork...
Or are people simply not seeing what's going on in the paperwork? Your call.
Based on my experience in the law enforcement field...and my dealings with the judicial system, this paperwork implies that he played a role in the whole thing. It doesnt go straight forward and say " hey we know you groped that little boy's penis!"
I'll be making a poll on this one...so you all can vote on whether you think Pleasure P is innocent, or whether he's another Mike Jackson Case..
I was going through some of my youtube history..... and I thought I'd share with you all my favorite song off the Most Underrated R&B Singles of winter 2009 Playlist from the blog.
This girl has been around since about late 2001 on a mainstream level, and overall I'd say she's one of the best singers out. I'd even say she's better sounding than Beyonce she just isn't marketed properly.... Now I didn't say Beyonce wasn't a great entertainer...I said Amerie sounds better than Beyonce. So without further delay my favorite song of the Most Underrated R&B Singles of winter 2009 playlist
Amerie Featuring Fabolous " More than Love"
Hope you enjoyed it. This thing is getting played constantly in my car, real talk.
UCB's Noteworthy performing "Poker Face" featuring Brian Wang and Joey Goodknight at the 9th Annual West Coast A Cappella Showcase on 11/13/09 They did a great job to me, it only is a bonus that it was funny as hell in a cinematic way.
I was going through some of my playlists on my laptop when I realized... HEY! Some good music came out this winter/fall and you don't even hear it on the radio...
So! I've made it my duty to compile a mini list of songs I think you should download...
especially if you're single or going through a little love spat this winter.
Music Site that gives musicians fighting chance down in hiatus. Share: Email Story Twitter Facebook Stumbleupon Add to Any by Divinity | November 26, 2009 at 04:30 am 7 views | 0 Recommendations | add comment
Several months ago a twitter user noticed how many musicians on twitter were complaining about sources to upload ,promote and host their music. After recollecting ideas suggested by several of the unsigned musicians , and even some larger names such as DWI Matrix Studios ( Bronx,NY),Drawzilla ( Producer also of New York),DJ Skywalker (Memphis,TN)...the website Divinitywrites.com was formed by twitter user Divinity
The website itself serves as promotional and informative page, hosting news clips .... [to read the full story click here ]
Due to technical and non-technical difficulties Divinity and the show will NOT be back this month....The show will be back Mid-December. We are extremely apologetic to the fans...but this situation was completely out of our ( & her) hands.
HOWEVER, we do have something to surprise you all with. During the down time of the show....we took 30 minutes to make a forum for everyone to network and collaborate on...however at the moment divinity and the blogteam are the only ones signed up for it... so we're encouraging true fans, and music lovers to go sign up and start posting. Anyone who wants to become a moderator needs to email us IMMEDIATELY at Divinetvblogteam@gmail.com The link to the forum is as follows http://musiciskey.freeforums.org/ if you can't cut and paste that into your browser please click here.
Well you guys the site is finally up and fully functional, however things are constantly being added and altered. My poems now have their own page on the home page....however the poems are still in the process of being routed from my blogger blog to the site.
Also, on the homepage there is a Local Events section which may possibly be converted into its own Page/Link... in the navigation bar to be more esthetically pleasing.
If you have event coming up and would like to be featured on the events page please send an email with the venue info and a flyer to one of the emails listed on this blog or on the homepage. Thanks!
Tomorrow I'll be finishing up two surprise interviews I'm working on right now. These people are what I call " Path Pavers" they make way for people coming behind them trying to do similar things if not the same thing. I know alot of people are probably curious as to how they decided to do what they're doing in the music industry, as well has did they fund their plans. I've made it my personal duty , to find out how , what , when , where and why tomorrow when I do the interview.
I won't divulge any names until the interviews are finished. I guarantee you will be satisfied with the interviews once they are finished...even if you don't who these people are. My goal is ...after reading the interviews that if you aren't familiar with them, YOU WILL BE.
With that being said I'm going to close this post, to continue writing the questions. Keep reading, and I'll keep writing!
Their Album " Good As Money" will be in stores November 10th. Those of you who live in Nor. Cal check Rasputin Records! Make sure you get legit a copy! -Divinity
Apparently this video is banned in America, despite the fact they show people naked in bed with little more than a peice of sheet covering their lower torso (if even that) They show women's breasts blatantly, but two ( and sometimes three ) condom balloon animal's humping is just so disturbing to the American public...mhm..interesting. Thanks for another great video Danny.
Ok this is relevant to pop culture and current comedy trends...and politics since there's a lot of gay rights events going on in the world right now... One of my favorite friends showed me this.... a straight guy... Now as A Gay Female I found this hilarious being that it "mocks" gay people's dancing habits and mannerisms lol ...a few of the guys actually reminded me of several friends of mine.
Nicole Wray is Back, after a Decade long Hiatus aside from the occasional appearance on someone's song. Best known for her hit single with Missy Elliot & Timabaland titled " Make it Hot" in 1999 she tried to make in 2001 when alot of artists in general were struggling to maintain a media presence due to the politics of the country taking center stage.
In 2004 she was signed to Roc-A-Fella records then transfered to Dame Dash music group, which quickly lead no where...the album she was working on there, was to be entitled Love Child.
In 2007 she was featured on two of Hurricane Chris's tracks from his album "51/50 Ratchett", in May of 2009 she officially announced her return to the R&B and Hip Hop genre "I Like it"which sample's Tupac's " I get around" is the leading single on her comeback album titled " Ms America".
LEGEND: ROW 1:(Left to right) President Obama, Olivia Munn, Ras Kass [Ed.—it's his boy in the clip], Ras Trent, Rick Ross, Eric Cartman, Kanye West (South Park version)
ROW 2: The Joker, Larry David, Lil Wayne, Kim Kardashian, Mooj (from The 40-Year-Old Virgin), Latarian Milton, Jonah Hill
ROW 3: Randy (Aziz Ansari in Funny People), Red (Danny McBride in Pineapple Express), Clay Davis (The Wire), Smokey (Friday), Kanye West, Tommy Buns (DMX in Belly), Howard Dean
ROW 4: Bow Wow, 50 Cent, Brick Tamland (Anchorman), Cam’ron, Kenny Powers, Leon Black (J.B. Smoove in Curb Your Enthusiasm), Super Craka
ROW 5: Brian Collins, Leroy Jenkins, 2Pac, Mike Tyson, Superhead, Craig Robinson (as club bouncer in Knocked Up), Christian Bale
ROW 6: Kim Kardashian, David Letterman, Raekwon, R. Kelly, Super Craka, Jay-Z, O-Dog (Menace II Society)
Yet another classic for future laughter by Complex!
The Pictures are displayed as if you are scrolling down the browser while viewing the home page. This is just a preview of it in the current stage. We're considering adding several more features to the homepage , they just cant be displayed during the preview phase.
We'll keep you all updated though! Thanks for watching and helping us grow. -DivineTV Blog Team
Hey ya'll DivineTV&Radio now has a new home! In just a couple of days we will be moving to Divinitywrites.com. Right now the site is still in the works, it's already been designed and coded, widgets are being added, and we are trying to upload the most streamlined version so every can view it without lagging or freezing from any browser. Basically,optimizing the site.
The blog if you were unaware is already on the url http://blog.divinitywrites.com ...so stay posted for more updates on the new look and feel of DivineTV & Radio. Things will only get better from here, we told you we'd do it !
p.s. we are looking for voluntary graphic &web designers for future projects...if you're looking for a chance to join a big project just to add to your resume...you know our email [ if you don't ..... divinetvblogteam@gmail.com ] Goodnight! -DivineTV Blog Team
Hey everybody, I don't know if you all read but I'm taking a break from the blog and show till the first week of November. So there will be no airings of the show till the first Tuesday of that month. However , artists can still submit their music to the show's gmails.
Also you can email me at Divinity@divinitywrites.com
If you would like to submit a song ( or songs ) for play on tomorrow's Brand New at 2 please send all songs as an attachment in an email to Divinetv.show@gmail with your Stage Name & Track title in the subject bar.
Please make sure if you have a twitter that you tweet @divinity__ to confirm that your email has been received so your submission is guaranteed to be played tomorrow. Thank you all and goodnight.
Now as I'm writing this.... I'm listening to Tupac & Scarface's Smile...and next on play is Tupac's Changes. Watching this video of inner city teens senselessly beat each other...and attack people who had no involvement with what happened previously that sparked this fight.
Now I graduated High School almost 3 (three) years ago...and I lived in Los Angeles, graduated from Inglewood High School (Yes the Infamous Inglewood)...and miraculously only 3 people died during the 4 years I was in High School ( Maybe it was because I only went to school down there for 2 years?) One girl died my freshmen year from lupus ( a disease ) , sophomore year....no-one died. Junior Year a boy got shot in a arguement.... and Senior year a guy I knew who had graduated a year before me got stabbed after a dice game and died ( sad thing is someone who was his friend did it, and left his body in an alley by my cousin's house) None of them should of died...Especially at the hands of someone else. No-one has the right to take another person's life.
Since I've been out of school I've noticed that the kids younger than I have simply gone out of control....and it's shocking as hell to me. How could there be such a drastic change in only a few years difference in age? These kids are the same age my sister & brother who are 16 and 17... I have siblings that arent even in their teens yet...so I'm even more concerned as to where the hell the youth of urban areas ...and America period are headed.
I mean....gang banging was around before my generation...and their's arguably ( some consider them a new generation)..Heck my father is a Founder Inglewood's Neighborhood Piru (NHP).... when I moved down to L.A during the summer before Junior year all I ever heard in our down time from running around the city doing family things and taking all 4 of my siblings to school were my father's stories of him and the homies. He never really glorified it....He was just reminiscing about his childhood & the age when he met my mother. He made one thing clear, they started their gang to protect themselves from other gangs who'd try to force them to join, and then beat them up and rob them ( how could they force you to join...and then fucking rob you?). Now a days...these kids make gangs just because they think it's cool. He also said...he regretted some of his hot tempered ways. He said the only good thing that resulted from it was him meeting his best friend, my mom and then Myself and my siblings being born ( Had he not of been a gang banger strolling down Inglewood avenue one day , he probably would of never met my mom, they never would of later divorced, then he never would of met my step mom and had my other siblings).
When I was a Senior...there was this clique of kids...who claimed not to be a gang....( Ha yea right) but they wore red...would beat up kids who belonged to other cliques , they'd put people on ( Jump Them In ) said the infamous "Blood" word and called themselves the Murder 1's. Long story short..at Inglewood High...and the city Of Inglewood period...the biggest gang is Inglewood Family Gangsters.....and the murder 1's later were forced to join them.
I just don't understand why people feel it necessary to start and join gangs today?? We're not living in the same helpless era our parents were. They didn't have teen shelters,job-corp, out-reach centers, community centers and urban leagues like we do to help with these problems. Alot of our parent's generation didn't have much a of choice but to sell drugs...They might even have had a parent on drugs ( My cousin Giesla's mother was addicted to cocaine &crack cocain for several years) They spent more time with my mom ( their cousin) and our grandmother as kids than anywhere else... Then there are other scenarios such as my father's. My dad's mother was a very very VERY successful single parent. She had my father at 16 in St.Louis and moved to California in the 70's to work....scored a great job with Pacific Bell Telecommunications company and even got her Master's Degree while raising my father and his younger brother...and they didn't live in an apartment. SHE HAD A HOUSE! ...My father ...in my opinion gang banged to be around older male figures to fill the void of a father figure in his life... I mean my dad knew where his father was...but was never ever to get in true contact with him....(not his fault) .....
Now I am the classic example of a kid who didn't have their father around much...and could have turned out wild. HOWEVER ....I didn't...growing up I saw the cycle of rebellion ....in friends, family and people I didn't even know at school...and I decided I didn't want to be a part of that. That type of behavior is destructive, nothing good comes from it at all. I devoted my high school years graphic design, soccer, year book staff , photography and the student council... Sophomore year I through a little depression and stopped going to school...pulled myself out of it and got back on track. Sure Junior & Senior year I more after school classes than I had pimples but who cares...I handled it without resulting to ignorant ass behavior.
I just can't remotely find an excuse for why people behave like this in 2009... there's just too many options for people nowadays to not have to result to these animalistic...tactics of " resolving" things. The saddest part is .....it will only get worse...things always hit rock bottom before they get better.
I think Derrion Albert is going to be the most memorable victim of this kind of violence...because people always hear about these kind of things happening but never has it ever been showed to them. People watched that video and saw his life slip away from his body.....People saw and watched those same kids who killed him run off and senselessly attack others... To me Derrion Albert has become a Martyr for Teens who are Victims of this Youth Crisis...called Gangs Violence.
My prayers go out to the Albert family... My heart goes out to all teens & kids in America.... When I was a little kid I used to worry about dying when I was older... Kids now a days worry about dying when they're 13 and walking home from school...sitting in class...or anything. It's sad, and there's not much else I can say really... -Divinity
Ok so I got hit with a little bit of good luck & love. Balance ( One of my favorite rappers from nor-cal has agreed to do an interview with me !) The moment I heard his song can't go.... the lyrics and the beat stuck to me.... I had to find out who's song it was ! So I called KBMB 103.5 The Bomb the local radio station here in Sacramento and they told me who all was on the song.
I looked him and the other artists up...and became an immediate fan... I love music, especially when it's someone coming up without a major record label backing them... The interview will be coming soon...But in the mean time...check out his myspace ; blogger and twitter . From everything I've seen He's really interactive with his fans...therefore he has my respect to the fullest. Alot of people when they make it...or think they've made it get cocky and start to distance themselves from those who truly love their music.....
I'm going to close this post with the video to his song " Can't go" Featuring Big Rich , Jimmie Reign ( Chorus Vocals ) , and The Jacka . Enjoy! -Divinity
The Second part of the Hot & Bothered Playlist Collection. This list contains slower songs than the first playlist... & is a Mixture of both 90's and 00's Music.
"Hot&Bothered Collection : Behind Closed Doors"
Mya - Don't Be Afraid
Aaliyah - One In A Million
D'Angelo - Brown Sugar
Faith Evans - As Soon As I Get Home
Groove Theory - Tell Me
SWV - Weak
Boys II Men - I'll Make Love To You
Avant - I Can Read Your Mind
Aaliyah - At Your Best (You Are Love)
R.Kelly - Bump and Grind
112 - Cupid
IMX - My First Time
Alicia Keys Ft. Tony Toni Tone - Diary
Mary J. Blige - Love No Limit
All For One - I Swear
Jodeci - Forever My Lady
Shai - If I Ever Fall In Love
Mariah Carey - Vision Of Love
New Edition - Pretty Brown Eyes (Breakin' My Heart)
Sorry If I disappointed anyone but these ARE NOT slow songs...that's why it's first encounters&crushes (not bedroom music)it's also 90's music ...so I hope you didn't expect anything NEW.
"Hot and Bothered : First Encounters & Crushes"
Da Brat ft. Tyrese - Whatchu Like
Foxy Brown ft. Blackstreet - Get You Home
LL COOL J ft. Total - Loungin'
Missy Elliot ft. Da Brat - Sock It To Me
Mary J. Blidge ft. Method Man - You're All I need ( To Get By)
KP & Envyi - Shorty Swing My Way
Next - Too Close
Ginuwine - Pony
Mariah Carey ft. O.D.B - Fantasy
Brandy - I Wanna Be Down
Aaliyah - Are You That Somebody
TLC - Diggin'
Blackstreet ft. Dr. Dre - No Diggity ( No Doubt)
112 ft. P.Diddy,Mase & The Notorious B.I.G- Only you (Bad Boy Remix)
Montell Jordan - Let's Get It On Tonight
Toni Braxton - You're Making Me High
Foxy Brown ft. Jay-Z - I'll Be Good
Lil' Kim ft. The Notorious B.I.G & Lil' Cesar - Crush On You
Alright after a little inspiration and thought. I decided to compile a series of play-lists I call the Hot&Bothered Collection.For those of you who don't get the picture.....it's a list of "Baby Making" music.
The first play-list in is going to be titled Hot&Steamy:First Encounters&Crushes. I'm actually working on the play-list right now.... I'll post it once I'm finished. -Divinity
Alright people so tomorrow is Music Monday where artists can submit up to 3 songs of theirs to played. The purpose of Music Monday is to show diversity and also...show case the artist's versatility in their genre. We are asking that artists submit several photos of themselves or album album covers along with contact information ....
Here at Divine TV we live for the music...and those who make it. We're here to help, so help us, help you and send in your music so you can gain yet another line in your network! -Divine TV Blog Team
Alright on Tuesday...for those of you who don't always watch the show...TUESDAY is Throw back Tuesday. This Tuesday how ever we're throwing together something very special...the 200 greatest Hip Hop, R&B , and Rape songs from 1989 all the way to 1999.
So if you're a 90's music fan...or just like old school rap, etc tune in! This is something you don't want to miss ! The show will start at 10am PST / 1pm EST ! and will end whenever we reach song #200... this might take a while!
This is a broadcast to all true fans ...regardless of who you are a fan of in this industry. If you have someone you want me to interview...and can get them to agree to doing it... slide me their email or give them mine to contact me. Divinityb@Gmail.com For more information on the show, the show schedule, scheduling interviews...etc email Divinetv.show@Gmail.com
For anything concerning the blog email Divinetvblogteam@gmail.com -Divinity
Ok so everyone who has a Twitter™ who is someone on Twitter™...or at least thinks they're someone on Twitter™ has seen or heard of another person bashing,slandering or down right just talking shit about another person on Twitter™.
Things have even gotten to the point where celebrities are trashing other celebrities on their TWITTER™!
We've seen Fabolous go in on Lil Mama for her stunt at the VMAS... Now tonight I witnessed Trey Songz virtually rip Kia Shine from Kinfolk's sweater wearing ass to shreds. ( Do I even need to copy his twits and post them here?!?!?!!!! )
We've seen people call Kanye West a nigger x's 300,000,000...I've began to think of Twitter™ as a tool of social weaponry.... If you can't call the person and cuss them out,text them and rant....or flat out whoop their ass..what the hell option do you have? Cut their ass ( flame them ) on Twitter™! It's all the rage honey!
So next time someone pisses you off, dont reach for a gun ( no no,no don't do that ..it'll only lead to jail time and messing up your outfit with blood ) don't haul off and Rick James a bitch ( Slapping is so out of style babe ) ...pull your PDA or cell phone out, or turn on your computer sign into Twitter™ and slap a "# "symbol in front of the person your mad at's name...and roast that bitch shamelessly!
*Disclaimer Twitter is a registered trademark and is copywritten to Twitter Incorporated, this blog is in no way shape or form associated with Twitter™ Incorp. The opinions expressed in this blog may or may not be in violation of the rules and terms of service of Twitter™ and are not shared or associated with Twitter™ therefor making it not subject to Twitter™'s TOS This blog nor Twitter™ will be held accountable/liable for any "flaming" "harassment" or other violations of Twitter™ 's TOS(terms of service) which readers of this blog may commit.
We'd like to apology to anyone had problems with the audio ...during tonight's broadcast or while playing it back. Ustream's audio settings were acting up! -Divine TV Blog Team
Divinity:What's the meaning behind your name?I'm Curious. Drawzilla:Basically, I flipped the name concept as to say I draw and big picture when I create records. So Zilla, describes the HUGE illustration of my music. I tell most folks to call me Zilla for short. lol Divinity: Interesting...that's DEFINITELY different...I like it. It's not just something plain and virtually meaningless like D-RO or LZW ..lol & no-one else has it ( I.E: Sean Paul...v.s. Sean Paul of the Youngbloodz)
Divinity: How old were you when you decided you wanted to impact the musical industry? - why? Drawzilla: I was about 17 when I decided to pursue music but not as a career at first. I was focused on a cooking career at the time but was unhappy. I always had ideas of taking music more seriously but never had an outlet. I slowly started meeting some established people in the business and found a lane to dedicate myself to it. I geniunely just love music so that's the reason why I chased the dream. I didnt make any real money until years later, it was all for the love of the art. Now, I'm a record producer full time and have a licensing deal with VIACOM that keeps me afloat. Ascap sends checks for the music I have placed on MTV, VH1, etc shows.
Divinity:How did you begin to pursue it? Drawzilla: I really reached out to as many people I knew that was in the industry. I started attending music seminars to educate my self and to network. I found my current entertainment attorney at a music conference in NYC. I built a home studio and focused on creating records for up and coming artists and a few in my hood. Once I found a team, and aligned myself with my business partner, it made things a lot easier to take it seriously. I had support and a backbone and ran with that.
Divinity: In 5 years were would you like to see yourself in this business? Drawzilla: I see my myself running a successful production company, signing producers, artists, and writers exclusively and having distribution with a major parent company. Im honestly half way there. I just have to continue networking and make powerful records as well as placing them to major recording artists.
Divinity: What's your spin on the major label artists v.s. underground ones? Drawzilla: Major record companies only focus is to make revenue. There is no development or creative directors any longer. Artists nowadays have to come to the table with a buzz to even be considered by a major. They are not investing hundreds and thousands of dollars in any marketing plans without a track record of the artists first. So basically, a business plan has to be presented to the majors to insure themselves, money will be made in the long run. Independent labels have the relationship with the artist and do all the things majors would do but on a lower scale to build the artists up. They control the creative process however incur all costs. They really take the biggest risk but reap the monetary benefits when selling their product. So, if they sell an album via ITUNES etc, they retain the majority of the sale. We are an independent production company. Inasirkl Music Group (IMG) ! We signed 1 hip hop artist named Sic Osyrus from Philadephia !
CREDITS : Mariah Carey f/ LL Cool J " Love you long time" (official remix) Chrisette Michele Remy Ma Capone of CNN Jae Millz Freeway Tek of Smif and Wessun Sheek Louch ETC !!
I really have to say....I'm honored to have had the opportunity to interview him... I know for a fact..this is someone we will definitely be seeing more of in the music business. Thanks Drawzilla for a great interview...and giving us insight into what makes you tick :) ! May this be insirpiration to all those who are underground artists ...or underground musical anything! -Divinity
Well it is official... Divinetv has its own skype account now...as does Divinity. Divine TV's Skype name is : DivineTVshow Divinity's Skype name is : Divinityb
feel free to add those to your contacts! -DivineTV Blog Team
Tune in watch & Listen to a ULTRA SPECIAL CALL IN &COMMENT SEGMENT OF DIVINE TV. Everyone is ranting about Kanye West hopping on stage at the vma's lets see what they have to say ...when I ( Divinity) enlighten and alter their state of mind. click HERE to tune in. If you would like to call in please email Divinetv.show@gmail for the show's number. -Divinity
Tonight show started broadcasting at 8:30pm PST/11:30pm EST ;the beginning of the show was a memorial segment dedicated to the victims of 9/11 ,all military personal...and the federal officers who now work under the department of homeland security ( which was formed as a direct result of 9/11). Due to connection problems the show was restarted several times ( sorry guys )..... and upon restarting....it kicked off into the motivational portion to jump start the weekend with Motivational speaker Myles Miller. For those of you who missed the show tonight...there is a partial recording of the memorial segment...and voice recording of the Myles Miller motivational portion of the show.
For those of you who tuned in....thank you again and always for your support!You are one of the many driving forces behind this show.... Goodnight. -Divine TV Blog Team
It's only right...that I say this. Rest In Peace to all the victims of 9/11... May God or what ever religious entity if their families believe in them ...protect and continue to watch over them. R.I.P to all my Military family &comrads who have perished in this battle...and may the hands of the lord protect and guide those are who still there fighting and bring them home safely and swiftly.
8 years ago... I didn't understand to the full extent just how big an impact the W.T.C. (World Trade Center) Terrorist acts had on my life. Now today...as an adult I see it everyday and I literally mean e v e r y d a y.... In fact 9/11 is the exact reason I have the job I have. The Government department I'm sworn in under : D.H.S (department of homeland security) wasn't even in existence prior to 9/11.
In high school I always knew I wanted to work for some branch of the government...but this was the last thing I expected.I wanted to go into the military as a military police officer or do military journalism.
Now I'm on the frontlines of a different field...the homeland one. Because regardless to what people think...and see on tv ( which is usually only a dramatized event broadcasted to attract viewers) The Department of Homeland Security is not just T.S.A and C.B.P... and I'll go even further to inform you..that T.S.A is just not at the airport...nor are its officers "security guards" a common misconception.
I won't get all political on my Music &TV Blog...I just wanted to say something in remembrance of 9/11.
Tonight was the second night of Divine Tv broadcasting...and so far it just keeps getting better. For those of you tuned in, thank you...your support is extremely appreciated,you have no idea what this means.
If you liked the music played tonight make sure you go get it...and add the artist's myspaces or twitter profiles. All of them can be found on Divinity's FF post. Thanks and Goodnight! -DivineTV Blog Team
Since the creation of Divine TV all of its postings and air dates have been broadcoasted on my personal twitter account. So....to ease confusion and prevent theft of the channel name and other senseless chaos Divine TV has its own twitter page. If your'e logged into your twitter right now click the link to view&follow the Divine TV twitter page. -Divinity
Have you ever listened to a song...and been like (Lil' Wayne Voice) "Hold up, wait a minute mothaf**ka."??? Well yea...I just had one of those moments, after listening to Louchiano I don't promote bullshit,nor do I sell it. So when I said on my twitter I was mad I had never heard of dude till today , I meant that. It's a shame how there's so much good music out..and SO MANY GOOD ARTISTS putting this music out...but it only is popular in their particular region....
People go on and on about how technology has semi-raped the music industry....but I think it's done more help than anything. If this was 1996 I'd probably never have found this dude. The internet is crazy kid....
But back to my point... Louch is hot. This is somebody I look forward to seeing and hearing more from.Especially with that accent.... I keep telling people embrace your regional accents man...it makes a sick flow...an illness...translation if you already sound nice...an accent is like the polish on it. It makes it even better...In my opinion. Hotness.
Check out his music if your'e disappointed ( which you won't be ) You can slap me with a bag of old plantain peels [ Louchiano 's Music ] -Divinity
Check out their song "Rap Juggernauts" On AllHipHop the worlds most dangerous...if not influential Hip Hop & Rap website!
Earning a spot as Heater of the day is something alot of Artists do covet and hope to achieve. Congrats Money First...you guys have done it again! -Divinity
Hey yall it was mentioned on the show that freebies would be located and given to you I managed to find a free download for Sony Acid pro6 for all the aspiring producers out there... eat up! -DivineTV Blog team
Ok so today I was talking with MoneyFirst's Boom Blake...and He turned me on to DaMatrixStudio's online radio show which goes live everyday showcasing underground Hip Hop & Rap music with no strings attached. They specifically cater to the underground music world...so if you're an underground artist this is your venue right here. They have a live chat while the show is streaming so artists,djs....and listeners can converse. Which is wonderful & everyone there is friendly as fuck ....excuse my french.
I have officially listed them in my favorites so look on the right side of my blog for them! <3 style="font-weight: bold;">DO NOT...I REPEAT DO NOT SLEEP ON THIS. There's a reason these dudes have been in the game 5 years.! -Divinity
Unbelievable... Lady Leshurr has agreed to do interview with me on my Ustream Channel I'm ecstatic. As of now we're determining a time to record it..considering shes in a whole 'nother part of the world and the time is extremely different. Ill pre-record the episode then air it later on after the channel launch! Stay posted kids -Divinity
Ok so once again Kenneth and I were talking...then out of nowhere he sends me this music file..and its this chick Lady Leshurr from the U.K yo..this chick is a beast on the beat. So I went to her myspace to listen to more...and the chick slaughtered it. She went in on the a milli beat.....
I wish i could upload the mp3 man.
So I add her on my music myspace ...I'm going to send her a message once she adds me...do you know how ill an interview would be? I mean jesus... You just don't know how sick the interview would be! Not cold sick.....H1n1 sick... haha. -Divinity
Ok so I just got off the phone with my collabo buddy/Partner in crime Kenneth... we're over here trying to find somewhere for me to get FL Studio or sony acid pro...
I downloaded Linux Multimedia Studio but..that thing is just plain strange to me... The one song I've been working on for the past few days I put together using Reaper..but that gay ass shit ..I couldnt figure out how to put my vocals on it. So I'm beginning to wonder...music production....=not my thing? Maybe I should just stick to writing and looking cute singing&rapping. Because this production shit is no where near easy... -Divinity
If you grew up in the 90's you know and understand just how big a thing rap was back then. You also are familiar with how much it has changed... I personally miss that 90's sound..and I'm not the only one...I've heard countless people whine and complain about missing the 90's so I've complied a short list of classic 90's rap for all these nostalgic ass people who like myself...miss those days. Enjoy!
Tupac - To Live and Die in L.A
Nas - Nas is like
Jay-Z ft. Jermaine Dupri - Money aint a thing
A tribe called quest - Award Tour
Ice Cube - Today was a good day
Dj Quik - Tonight
Ghost Town Djs - My boo
Notorious B.I.G - Juicy
Dr Dre - Nothing but a G thang
Outkast - Elevators
Slick Rick - Children's Story
Naughty By Nature - O.P.P
Kris Kross - Jump
Pharcyde - Passing me by
Snopp Dogg - Murder was the case
Mobb Deep - Shook ones
Dj Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince - Summertime
Digital Undeground - Humpty Dance
Luniz - Five On It
now remember this is just a short list....dont get all angry because I left out a few songs you think are great....trust me theyre probably on my long list. -Divinity
As of today the track I'm making sampling Nas's got yourself a gun is 3/4 complete. The only think I really need to do is add the vocals and it's done! I would post the track itself but I don't want anyone stealing my shit before it's done! So in the mean time I'll just keep you updated! -Divinity
Hey..this is the official Blog for Divine TV on Ustream...and for the Music Artist Divinity B. Stay posted for channel updates,perfomance & tour dates....reviews on everything you could possibly think of...and even random b.s.....
Divine Tv&Radio Is the Newest Home Of POP CULTURE,Hip Hop,Rap,R&B, Alternative and other genre's of undeground music. It's a way to network,and even promote using one source!
DivineTV & Radio is uncensored, unedited, unrestricted.... we delivery everything to our viewers as it is sent to us....
We support models,muscians,producers, music managers,graphic designers,entertainment journalists and anyone with dreams and aspirations of breaking into the music industry.